What do a Scottish finance broker and digital marketing have in common?
More than you’d think!
While Design Hero helps business owners to grow their business with digital marketing services, Chris helps businesses to acquire the equipment and assets they need to grow by providing professional asset finance via Parkins Finance.
Chris approached Design Hero to help him grow this new business with the design of a professional financial brand identity, and as well as a new financial website design and digital marketing services to secure new leads across the UK.
Parkins Finance needed a new brand to convey the professionalism that Chris brings to his finance brokering.
The new brand from Design hero focusses on a soft colour palette, and a minimalist approach that avoids cluttering the user with complex information, putting the value of the finance offers front and cetnre.
The new finance brand design uses a simple typography based logomark which can be simplified to an emblem to be easily recognised at a glance.
the new logomark sits on its own, as well as with a strapline and can be used across a variety of situations throughout the financial brand.
the new logo design is aimed at the finance sector, with a simple design that holds legibility at any scale.
The colour scheme for this new financial brand uses soft regal greens with a burnt orange accent to offer enough contrast, whilst still maintaining a slick, professional feel.
The fonts echo the profesionalism of the brand, with modern geometric fonts used throughout, except for the finance logo emblem, which uses a contrasting stencil font to stand out.
As well as the brand and website, Design hero is also on hand to help Chris generate more leads from his website with digital marketing for the finance sector across the UK.
The new website reflects Chris’s attention to detail with a slick professional feel throughout and emphasis placed on the financial details that make Chris’s service so valuable to his clients.
The new finance website has rich, content-led service pages to gather keyword-related traffic for the finance industry across the UK and a minimalist, professional design that encourages high user conversion via an online consultation.
The new financial website also features an online car finance calculator to help Chris attract leads from the car finance industry.
As well as being a professional portoflio website for this finance broker, the new financial website also features pages for each of his target asset finance markets to capture more keywords and market share.
The new website, aimed at the UK financial sector, features slick branding and a minimalist design to help put key information front and centre for the user.
Each finance service that Chris offers has its own page on the new website, designed with simplicity and soft transitions throughout to help guide the user through Chris’s financial services on the website.
Chris’s new website helps convey complex, financial information using a minimalist colour palette and user friendly interface that puts the information front and centre without confusing the user.
The new financial website helps Chris’s business get found for finance broker keywords across the UK
The new blog on the financial website also helps to generate traffic and leads from traffic across the UK in the financial sector
The new website also uses a lead magnet to attract more conversions in the form of an online car finance calculator.
The brand looks great, thanks for the great work!
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Blue Square Offices, 272 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JR
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